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Find out whether the car has the documents to show that it is legally allowed to be driven. As soon as you buy a car, you’ll need these documents. It’s often beneficial to see these documents when you first view the vehicle.
Check all the documents are in the name of the seller before purchasing any car and ensure all of the car details are correct across the board. Asking for ID is not uncommon and sellers are unlikely to mind showing proof of ownership.
Does the car have a registration document? In Spain, the registration document is called a Permiso De Circulacion, and is similar to the registration document – sometimes called a log book – used in the UK. Every car being bought or sold must have one of these.
Does a Car Need a MOT or equivalent? Yes. Vehicles in Spain are subject to a regular inspection for its conformance to road-worthiness, which is usually referred to as an ‘ITV’ or Inspección Técnica de Vehículos, which is the equivalent of the English MOT. This will provide proof that the car is fit and legal to drive on the road.
Is there any form of road tax in Mallorca? Yes. The Spanish have a similar system to the UK road tax, called Impuesto Sobre Vehiculos, which is a yearly fee that has to be paid to enable the vehicle to be used on the road. Unlike UK road tax, the Impuesto Sobre Vehiculos can be transferred with the vehicle, but needs to be addressed to the owner of the vehicle, so you will need to change this so that you are reflected as the new owner, and documentation can be sent to you.
As a Foreigner, Can I Buy a Car in Spain?
A foreign national may buy a Spanish-registered car in Spain provided they have one of the following:
· an official residency card (Tarjeta de Residencia),
· proof that they are a Spanish home owner – usually by showing title deeds,
· documentation that proves the holder is a registered member of the local community, the certificado de empadronamiento (available from the Town Hall / Ayuntamiento) issued within the three months prior to the purchase),
· a rental contract for a duration of minimum one year or,
· an NIE/NIF number (Foreigner’s Identification Number) in Spain
When you buy a car in Spain, the easiest route to take is buying a car through a legitimate car dealership, such as Calvia Cars, as we tend to take care of everything for you. If you choose to buy a car privately the following steps should be taken:
· You will need to go to the Jefatura De Trafico in order to organise all of the required paperwork. Though it is not always necessary for the seller to attend, having them there can avoid problems and any outstanding fines or payments can be dealt with immediately. For example, if the Impuesto Sobre Vehiculos is outstanding, this will need to be dealt with.
· Once at the Jefatura De Trafico, all of the forms for transferring ownership of the car will need to be completed and this is called the Solicitud. Though this can be completed elsewhere, it must be handed in to the Jefatura De Trafico as a fee is required; this is around €44. Once you have paid the fee you will receive a ticket and receipt for proof.
· Once everything at the Jefatura De Trafico is complete, you will need to head to the Ayuntamiento or Town Hall. Here, staff will check that the road tax is not outstanding.
· After paying the fee and completing everything, a member of staff at the Jefatura De Trafico will finalise and confirm everything. It can then take a full day for the transfer to be approved.
Though many people find no problems with buying cars in Spain, problems can sometimes occur when transferring ownership. For example:
· If the tax isn’t paid completely then another trip to the Ayuntamiento is required before finalising everything back at the Jefatura De Trafico; this all wastes time.
· If the documents are not completely correct or if information is missing, further time can be wasted. It’s advised that you check everything before visiting the Jefatura De Trafico.
· Many people who are not Spanish citizens will need to have extra copies of all of the documents involved in transferring ownership of the car, so bare this in mind to avoid delays.
· Some cars will have outstanding traffic fines and if these are not paid before ownership is transferred, you become liable. By taking the seller to the Jefatura De Trafico, these can be paid by the seller.
When you buy cars in Spain, there are problems that can occur outside of the Jefatura De Trafico. Problems between the seller and buyer are rare, but they do happen. For example:
· Sellers may ask for a deposit for the vehicle and then buyers later find this isn’t refundable. As issues can arise at the Jefatura De Trafico, you should always ensure the deposit will be repaid if you then decide to cancel the purchase.
· Buyers do not ask for a copy of the Permiso De Circulacion. The Permiso De Circulacion should be in your name and this proves the sale is complete, making it a legal document. If the document is not in your name, the vehicle still legally belongs to the seller.
Alternatively, take the stress out of selling and sell your car for cash to Calvia Cars and relax. If you are looking to either buy or sell a car in Spain, we can help you and make the whole process quick and easy. We give you a car valuation online, and then buy your car for cash.